Latest 10 news

Reward uncertainty and the unconscious origin of will

Incentive salience theory both explains the directional component of motivation (in terms of cue attraction or “wanting”) and its energetic component, as a function of the strength of cue attraction. This theory characterizes cue- and reward-triggered approach behavior.

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Resting-State Network Plasticity Following Category Learning Depends on Sensory Modality

In our daily lives, we encounter new objects from various categories through different sensory modalities, such as vision and touch. Yet, how learning new categories reshapes brain connectivity networks to adapt to these objects remains poorly understood.

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Dr. Marlies Pinnow und die AG Motivation für Projekt ausgezeichnet!

Wir gratulieren unserer Kollegin Dr. Marlies Pinnow und ihrer Gruppe herzlich zur Preisverleihung des Awards #HREA!

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Welcome to the talk by Prof. Dr. Katja Krause

When: December 13th, 2024, at 14 c.t. | Where: IB 4-115 | Zoom: Meeting-ID 666 1535 7896, Password 390776.

For further details, please click here.

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PhD Thesis Defense Alina Steinemer

On Thursday, May 16., Alina Steinemer successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled "Investigating avian navigation: Magnetic sense, motor projections, and the role of nitric oxide in memory formation." In her thesis, Alina examined key aspects of bird navigation using pigeons as a model species known for their exceptional homing abilities.

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TSST-OL: Comparison between online and laboratory application and effects on empathy

Our recent study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology examined how acute stress influences empathy using a new online stress test, the TSST-OL.

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Pecking strength does not always reflect preference in pigeons

Making decisions and investing effort to obtain rewards may depend on various factors, such as the delay to reward, the probability of its occurrence, and the information that can be collected about it. As predicted by various theories, pigeons and other animals indeed mind these factors when deciding.

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FENS conference and retreat days in Vienna

Thank you for successful and inspiring days!

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Competence requires self-motivated exploratory behavior and information seeking

The distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and their related motivations (exploitation and exploration, respectively) has been a major concern in educational psychology for decades.

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Farewell to Gesa

Gesa Berretz was a cornerstone of the lab and an iconic image with her colorful hairs, her Halloween outfits, and her witty charm. But at the same time, Gesa is an incredibly successful young scientist with close to 20 papers in top international journals that collect heaps of citations. Now she received a DFG grant to join the lab of Bernhard Englitz as a postdoc at Donders (Radboud University, Netherlands).

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