Doctoral Thesis - Conny Hahn


Conny Doctor  2011

Conny Hahn successfully graduated on the 28th of November 2011 at the IGSN and was awarded with a PhD in Neuroscience. Conny submitted a thesis consisting of four papers on the effects of smoking on language asymmetry and attention. She could show that smoking, possibly via the cellular effects of nicotine, is able to alter functional brain asymmetries and attentional resources. Some of these effects show a clear sex-dependency. Most interestingly, Conny was able to show that if one controls for cigarette consumption, asymmetries in schizophrenic patients are no different from controls. Thus, some of the effects of schizophrenia on cerebral asymmetries might arise due to the heavy nicotine consumption of these patients. The international committee was impressed with Conny's contributions and decided to award her the title PhD of Neuroscience with the grade magna cum laude.


Conny Doctor  2011

Conny Hahn successfully graduated on the 28th of November 2011 at the IGSN and was awarded with a PhD in Neuroscience. Conny submitted a thesis consisting of four papers on the effects of smoking on language asymmetry and attention. She could show that smoking, possibly via the cellular effects of nicotine, is able to alter functional brain asymmetries and attentional resources. Some of these effects show a clear sex-dependency. Most interestingly, Conny was able to show that if one controls for cigarette consumption, asymmetries in schizophrenic patients are no different from controls. Thus, some of the effects of schizophrenia on cerebral asymmetries might arise due to the heavy nicotine consumption of these patients. The international committee was impressed with Conny's contributions and decided to award her the title PhD of Neuroscience with the grade magna cum laude.