Christian Beste becomes a Professor for Cognitive Neurophysiology


We all know Christian; this rare mixture of relaxed habits, boyish charm and highest profile research. He was the boss of an Emmy Noether group in the Biopsychology lab, churning out more than 40 top papers and acquiring close to 2 million euros in the few years he was leading his small research crowd. It was clear that he wouldn’t stay for long in Bochum. Not because he didn’t liked it here (in fact, he liked it a lot) but because a young scientist with such a tremendous success rate usually becomes a professor somewhere after a short while. Now this happened. Christian became a Professor for Clinical Neurophysiology at the University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Technical University Dresden. The amount of start-up, infrastructure, and personnel he got is truly remarkable. But hey, he’s worth it! Good luck Christian!! We will miss you a lot.

We all know Christian; this rare mixture of relaxed habits, boyish charm and highest profile research. He was the boss of an Emmy Noether group in the Biopsychology lab, churning out more than 40 top papers and acquiring close to 2 million euros in the few years he was leading his small research crowd. It was clear that he wouldn’t stay for long in Bochum. Not because he didn’t liked it here (in fact, he liked it a lot) but because a young scientist with such a tremendous success rate usually becomes a professor somewhere after a short while. Now this happened. Christian became a Professor for Clinical Neurophysiology at the University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Technical University Dresden. The amount of start-up, infrastructure, and personnel he got is truly remarkable. But hey, he’s worth it! Good luck Christian!! We will miss you a lot.