Farewell Patrick Friedrich


For many years, Patrick was an indispensable members of the Biopsychology lab.

Hard to believe, but now he left the biopsy lab at the end of February 2019 to become a post-doc in France.

During his time in the biopsychology lab he made great discoveries, investigating structure-function relationships in the corpus callosum with the EEG Poffenberger task, using NODDI to understand the role of neurites for brain function and developing the (almost) famous triadic model.

A lover of coffee (he drank several thousand cups during his time in the lab), chess and cats, Patrick was also a big part of the social life in the lab.
While all of us will miss Patrick a lot, we wish him all the best for his future scientific path in France! We are sure he will discover great things!
Patrick, the future is yours!

For many years, Patrick was an indispensable members of the Biopsychology lab.

Hard to believe, but now he left the biopsy lab at the end of February 2019 to become a post-doc in France.

During his time in the biopsychology lab he made great discoveries, investigating structure-function relationships in the corpus callosum with the EEG Poffenberger task, using NODDI to understand the role of neurites for brain function and developing the (almost) famous triadic model.

A lover of coffee (he drank several thousand cups during his time in the lab), chess and cats, Patrick was also a big part of the social life in the lab.
While all of us will miss Patrick a lot, we wish him all the best for his future scientific path in France! We are sure he will discover great things!
Patrick, the future is yours!